HypnoBirthing® NZ Childbirth Educators Training
Teach HypnoBirthing to Parents – see dates for 2025 below
Build a career as a HypnoBirthing® Childbirth Educator and enjoy the rewards that come from preparing parents for a joyful, empowering birth.
Why choose HypnoBirthing®the Mongan Method :-
- Training facilitated by the longest established & most experienced HypnoBirthing trainer in NZ with 18 years experience & having trained the vast majority of HypnoBirthing Educators in New Zealand.
- Affiliation with an International organization https://hypnobirthing.com/ that has been a global leader in Childbirth Education for over 30 years.
- A recognized qualification that enables you teach anywhere in the world.
- The only HypnoBirthing Educator training in New Zealand that meets the criteria for and is approved by the Midwifery Council of NZ as continuing education for midwives.
- A fully researched based program that continues to be updated.
- Once certified access to a private group of worldwide educators including midwives, doula’s, obstetricians & many others with a wealth of experience for support & advice plus access to the NZ Educators group & support from your trainer.
Certification provides access to all of the resources needed to successfully get started with your birthing business. No prior experience necessary. All you need is a desire and passion to spread the knowledge of how to have a positive birth experience!

*This event is approved as continuing midwifery education by the Midwifery Council*
The course consists of 3 components:-
1. Birthing Basics Home Study (for those with no prior birthing qualifications)
2. Introduction to Hypnosis for Birthing – 1.5 days
3. Educator Certification Workshop – 2.5 days
The course is a four day, two part Childbirth Education Programme.

Segment One: Introductory Prerequisites
Hypnosis for Birthing
- Applications of hypnosis
- Attitudes about hypnosis
- Basics of brainwave activity
- Laws of the mind
- The Rationale for hypnosis in birthing
- Understanding clients’ learning styles
- Direct and permissive hypnosis approaches
- Dangers of unqualified therapy
- Steps to achieve hypnosis
- Mind/Body associations and applications
- Judging trance depth
- Guidelines for achieving change
- Eye fixation/closure
- Elman • Ericksonian • Shanti leads
- Deepening techniques
- Post-hypnotic suggestions
- Alerting Styles
Birthing Basics ~ for persons with no birthing qualifications
- The Beautiful Female Birthing Body
- Anatomy of The Female Reproductive System
- Conception and Early fetal development
- Characteristics of the Uterus
- The Baby’s Support System:
- Three Trimesters of Pregnancy
- Physical Changes during Pregnancy
- Foetal Positioning during Pregnancy
- Turning Breech Presented Babies
- Labour Signals: Normal, Unanticipated
- Characteristics of Managed Labour
- Characteristics of HypnoBirthing® Labour
- The Onset of Labour
- Foetal Positioning during Birth
- Labour Stages As Defined in Typical Birthing
- Labour as Defined in HypnoBirthing®
- Mother Directed Birthing
Segment Two: Educator Certification
- Philosophy and Beginnings of HypnoBirthing
- How the Uterus Works in Birthing
- What’s Wrong with Labour
- How Fear Affects Labour
- The Origin of Fear and Pain in Labour
- Prenatal Bonding and Fetology
- Selecting Care Providers
- Preparing the Mind for Birth
- Hypnosis Deepening and Visualization
- Releasing Fear
- Preparing the Body for Birthing
- Building a Partnership with Care Providers
- Turning Breech-Presented Babies
- Looking at the “Estimated Due Date”
- Avoiding Artificial Induction
- Preparing Birth Preference Sheets
- How the Body Prepares for Birth
- The Onset of Labour
- Perinatal Bonding
- Breathing Through Labour
- Breathing with Birth
- Bonding with Baby
Once you have completed the course you are required to submit a review on each segment undertaken, write a book review & complete a case study. Once your reviews & case study have been satisfactorily completed and marked you will gain your certification.
Once you certify you will be invited to join the International Educators facebook group & the New Zealand Educators facebook group. Support will also be available through the HypnoBirthing Institute and your trainer.
A fee (currently $100US) is payable each year to keep your certification current.
Course dates 2025 :-
4 days – 26th & 27th May plus 16th & 17th June 2025
Online – attend from the comfort of your own home with no travel or accommodation costs.
Course Fees:-
HypnoBirthing® Educator Certification 4 days including manuals, books, audio’s & visual materials : $2455 due in 3 payments consisting of $295 deposit + $1160 due 9th May & $1000 due 6th June or pay your deposit now & set up a weekly/fortnightly/monthly payment plan. Credit card payments also available – PayPal or Stripe fees apply.
Birth Basics home study programme : $325
B-Backs for HypnoBirthing® Educator Certification: A nominal charge of $175 applies
Host a course & receive your training at a reduced rate – conditions apply.

New educators training in Auckland ~
For further information contact Stephanie on (03) 3848506 or 021 313 161.
*Please ensure you are familiar with the terms & conditions below before submitting your registration form.
Terms & Conditions
A $295 non-refundable deposit is required to secure your place.
The following refund policy applies –
The deposit & Birth Basics home study are non-refundable.
For cancellations within 4 weeks of the start of the course a 75% refund will be given.
For cancellations, with less than 2 weeks, before the course starts no refund will be given, you may however be able to transfer your fee to a future course. This may incur a further fee at the time if course materials have changed.
We reserve the right to alter dates and venues.
By submitting this form I confirm my understanding and acceptance of the Terms & Conditions.
HypnoBirthing® Training Registration Form